Customer Testimonials

The people at Textile Network are integral partners in our supply chain. We have absolute trust, built over years of service, that the components they supply will meet spec and be on time. Textile Network has stayed on the cutting edge with new developments in hardware and narrow fabric products for the last 20 years, keeping my packs the best they can be.

Dana Gleason

Mystery Ranch

Providing quality materials on a consistent basis is critical to the success of any business. Pam knows the industry backwards and forwards which helps anticipate customer needs and potential opportunities. Textile Network works hard to provide the best customer service and raw materials available. They are a valuable element to our continued success.

Terry and Leslie Jackson

Op/Tech USA

Pam and the Textile Network team go above and beyond to deliver top quality materials and excellent customer service. I can always rely on them to go the extra mile to make sure whatever I need is taken care of. Pam always has our best interest in mind and never compromises on quality. It’s great to work with a business where you enjoy the people as much as the product. Marsupial Gear depends heavily on them for raw materials sourcing and will for a long time to come.
Jim Graham

Marsupial Gear

I have been buying webbing and assorted hardware from Textile Network for over 20 years. The products are top of the line, but above and beyond them is the dedication of the staff. Come for the products but stay for the next 20 years because of the service. You will feel like part of the TexNet family after your first order. As a small business owner who juggles a zillion things it’s a relief to know I can count on high quality products and fast and helpful service when I contact Textile Network.
Karen Norback

Zoe’s Bag Boutique

I’ve worked with Textile Network for over 20 years. We look at them as partners in our team. They are always willing to do whatever needs to be done to take care of our Granite Gear sourcing needs. The Textile Network team is our first choice when it comes to sourcing raw materials. They are always on top of the latest technology.

Jeff Knight

Granite Gear